
The founders of rolex replica watches

Andre Heiniger carry forward Rolex replica watches in the world today altar table reputation, this and Andre Heiniger (Andre J. Heiniger) inspiration and enthusiasm inseparable. Henig was born in 1921 from Xia Defen, Hans Wilsdorf the first time I saw him, he had a full trust and sincere respect for him. The two of them love and human contact, the pursuit of perfection. In 1948 Wilsdorf invited Henig joined Rolex replica watches work. He spent six years working in Buenos Aires, responsible for the development of the market. Returned to Geneva in 1955, was promoted to Rolex watch the members of the board of directors, 1964 replaced Wilsdorf as general manager of the Rolex replica watch company.
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He faithfully inherited the Rolex replica watch founder’s career, and constantly improve the quality and technical innovation, bring a new atmosphere for the enterprise internationalization. The first step in this decision is the corporate headquarters from downtown to a beautiful new building in the suburbs. Then, Hennig began his crusade, all corners of the world, opening up new markets. Seiko he has a predictive power of amazing, decided to establish a branch in the main city continents, this is a pioneering work in time.

Henig who has set up a Rolex replica watch the spirit of enterprise award, the award is given every three years, reward those in Applied Science, invention, have made outstanding contributions to research, scientific discovery and environmental protection aspects of the people.
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Rolex replica watches by Patrick Heiniger (Patrick Heiniger) served as general manager, Patrick Henig grew up in Rolex watches the “family”, love the traditional enterprise, he served ten years, the Rolex watch company lawyers, then was appointed as commercial manager, general manager.

[1]: http://baike.baidu.com/picture/1429251/1429251/0/566d0fdf3604ff436227981e?fr=lemma&ct=single
[2]: http://uswatch.b2bshoponline.com/watch400/51376/1.png”>